卫星电视/卫视satellite TV
卫星电视有限公司Satellite Television Asian Region Ltd.
卫星图片/卫星照片satellite photos
卫星碟a satellite dish
郑经翰/郑大班Albert Cheng King-hon
黎智英Jimmy Lai
战地记者war correspondent
亲中报章pro-Beijing media
头条独家报导front-page scoops
优质报章/质报quality press
优质节目、高质素节目high-quality programmes
检讨港台角色review the role of RTHK
获得媒体广泛报导achieved extensive media coverage
临时安排的记者招待会a hastily arranged press briefing
谢绝一切访问declined all requests for interviews
赛马节目the horse-racing programme
关心时事keeping up with current affairs
苹果日报总编辑叶一坚Apple Daily editor-in-chief Ip Yut-kin
摄影记者协会Hong Kong Press Photographers' Association
Viewers have seen frequent dispatches from a Chinese reporter on location in Baghdad.
人民日报People's Daily
Central News Agency
中央电视台China Central Television (CCTV)
China News Service
今日美国USA Today
The Japan Times
台湾壹周刊Next Taiwan
Agenzia Nazionale Stampa Associata
Kyodo News Service
Cable News Network (CNN)
Mainichi Daily News
明报Ming Pao Daily
明报周刊Ming Pao Weekly
东方日报Oriental Daily
东方新地Oriental Sunday Magazine
Agency France-Presse
芝加哥太阳时报Chicago Sun Times
芝加哥论坛报Chicago Tribune
金融时报Financial Times
信报Hong Kong Economic Journal
信报财经月刊Hong Kong Economic Journal Monthly
南华早报South China Morning Post
星岛日报Sing Tao Daily
星期日商报The Sunday Business
洛杉矶时报Los Angeles Times
Associated Press
耶路撒冷邮报The Jerusalem Post
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
香港经济日报Hong Kong Economic Daily
泰晤士报The Times
The Straits Times
纽约时报The New York Times
纽约邮报The New York Post
国际先驱论坛报International Herald Tribune
都市日报Metropolis Daily
壹周刊Next Magazine
Asahi Shinbun
Korean Central News Agency
Digital Chosun
华盛顿邮报Washington Post
华尔街日报Wall Street Journal
圣路易邮讯报St. Louis Post-Dispatch
卫报The Manchester Guardian
头条日报Headline Daily
旧金山纪事报San Francisco Chronicle
旧金山评论报San Francisco Examiner
苹果日报Apple Daily
The Yomiuri Shinbun
(足协杯)已经两季没有在香港直播has been off the screens in Hong Kong for two seasons
去年底获得落地权,播放新的普通话频道won landing rights for new Mandarin-language channels late last year
可能未来三季都没有超联看could face a three-year Cable TV blackout of English Premier League games
失去英格兰足总杯的播映权lost the rights to screen the English FA Cup competition
beam its two free-to-air channels - ATV World and ATV Home - to the Pearl River Delta region
安装接收能力高强的天线接收香港电视installing powerful antennae to receive Hong Kong broadcasts
即将取得广东省的电视播映权are close to securing the rights to broadcast to domestic television viewers in Guangdong
We are aware the FA cup has a large following in Hong Kong.
其中一个最早获得广东省落地权的外国电视台one of the first foreign broadcasters granted landing rights in Guangdong
最初只允播放教育和娱乐节目is initially be permitted to beam only educational and entertainment programmes
丧失足总杯的播影权lost the rights to show English FA Cup matches
开拓大陆市场expand their services into the mainland
落地权landing rights
电视转播的世界杯球赛televised Cup game
播放电视节目予所有广东观众收看beam programmes to all TV viewers in Guangdong
Football fans breathed a sigh of relief last night as Cable TV struck a deal with ESPN to secure live broadcasts of English Premier League matches, two weeks before the season kicks off.
赢得未来三季(超联)的独家播影权had won the rights to show matches for the next three seasons
(传媒)不应夸大这则新闻should not be blown out of proportion
(广告)令观众感到不适cause ill-feeling to the public
Some newspapers carried bold headlines saying……
不良报导repugnant articles
中大调查要求市民就传媒公信力评分,一分最低,十分最高,结果传媒公信力平均得分6.54.一九九七年和九八年的平均分分别是6.44和5.91. When asked to rank their confidence in media on a scale of one to 10, respondents to the Chinese University survey gave a score of 6.54 compared with 6.44 in 1997 and 5.91 in 1998.
引起公众哗然sparked an outcry
引起极大争议stirred up a huge controversy
令新闻工作者都深感不安have caused a lot of anxiety among journalists
令听众不安have an unsettling effect on the audiences
本港传媒公信力public confidence in Hong Kong's media
Major newspapers and state television were plastered yesterday with grisly images of the girls.
向公众传达错误讯息send the wrong message to the public
在每页加上红色对角线stamped a diagonal red line across every page
If this saddening incident can raise people's awareness about the importance of media ethics to our lives, my suffering and dignity does not really matter.
The decision is based on the spirit and principle of revealing the truth and exercising public monitoring on society.
有关事件引起大众关注传媒操守it raised awareness of media ethics
Patrick Ho Chi-ping said some publications were so eager to boost sales that their reporting styles had breached press ethics and put public morals at risk.
含有大量关于性的题材contain numerous sexual references
扭曲及错误报导某人的言论twisting and falsely reporting comments made by somebody
每日刊载召妓指南和女郎艳照run daily guides to sex services and pictures of scantily-clad women
性欢愉节目sex spree shows
明光社The Society for Truth and Light
东周刊封面刊登的受虐裸照Eastweek magazine's front-page picture of a naked and distressed actress
注意社会责任pay attention to their social responsibilities
A number of incidents in recent years have provoked a public outcry against media sensationalism and invasion of privacy.
指出报道中数处失实自撰的地方pointed out several fabrications in the articles
捏造新闻fabricating stories/make up stories
挽回公信力restore credibility
挽回传媒公信力restore public trust in the media
带来306宗投诉attract 306 complaints
被那段新闻吓坏is appalled at the news
被迫拍下的女星裸照a picture of a topless actress taken against her will
Publications fight for survival in a highly competitive market by pandering to prurient interests.
就内地官员关于公安条例的看法大造文章fabricating reports about mainland officials' views on the Public Order Ordinance
港台公信力RTHK's credibility
无删剪地播出broadcast something in full
传媒要注重社会责任develop a socially responsible media
新闻公信力the credibility of news coverage
新闻从业员专业操守守则code of ethics for journalists
新闻操守media ethics
Mr Yeung's Eastweek magazine runs a photograph of a nude actress taken during an abduction 12 years ago on its cover. The incident sparks a massive public outcry and forces Mr Yeung to shut the publication down.
Their allegations against Vincent Cheng are without foundation.
违反传媒操守breaching media ethics
违反新闻准则violated journalistic standards
过分夸大的/哗众取宠的报道grossly exaggerated reports
煸情stir up emotions over something
误导公众mislead the public
The Television and Entertainment Licensing Authority has been flooded with 290 complaints against the magazine over the past two days.
惊人的公众注意outrageous publicity
All along, the mainland media remains the mouthpiece of the communist party and the government.
In late October, Mr Jiang accused the Hong Kong media of being "simple" and "naive" when asked if his public support for Chief Executive Tung Chee-hwa to run a second term amounted to an "imperial order".
不准报导其它敏感话题forbade coverage of other sensitive topics
加强监管传媒tighten controls on the press
北京的无形之手the invisible hand of Beijing
必须低调行事must keep a low profile
Freedom of the press in Hong Kong will die if the media do not guard against vulgarity and unethical reporting, the secretary for home affairs has warned.
Under censor's orders, News Crop. Pulled Joyful Youth off the air.
亦保证会给予港台编辑自由/编辑自主have also given assurances of our editorial independence
This is totally unacceptable interference with the editorial independence of RTHK.
收到死亡恐吓had received death threats
自我审查exercise self-censorship
But he was expected to return to the show in September.
布满地雷riddled with mines
I don't like their live broadcast of horse-racing meetings.
Mr Lee accused Ms Yu of abandoning him after he had helped her.
事前并没有就郑经翰一事和港府及中央政府接触made no prior contact with the Hong Kong and central government on the Cheng case
注重新闻自由value the freedom of the press